Historic Articles
'Loosening the Bonds of Slavery': The N.C. Homefront:
‘The Specter of Starvation’: The N.C. Homefront
William Whedbee Kirkland: A North Carolinian at War
45th NCT, The North State Boys on the eve of Gettysburg
Presence of NC Troops Slight At Chickamauga
Two N.C. Regiments Share Title, "Furthest at Chickamauga"
‘Fighting With the Fury of Madmen’: Tar Heels Describe the Battle of the Crater
Soldier's Letters. December 1862: 27th NC at Fredericksburg
Soldiers’ Health: An 1861 Primer

Company Organization in the  “North Carolina Army” - May 1861

Algebra, Southern Style
The “Mecklenburg Farmers”: Company H, 35th NCT,
September 1861 to October 1862


Uniform Research

Photographs of 1861North Carolina State Uniform Impression
35th North Carolina Troops in October 1862
15th North Carolina Troops, Apr-May, 1862
Company C, 28th NCT at Petersburg, 1865
"The Carolina Boys": Company K, 38th North Carolina Troops , May-June 1864
"The Carolina Boys" Company K, 38th North Carolina Troops, September, 1862
42nd North Carolina Troops at the Battle of Bentonville, 1865
The 50th North Carolina Troops at the Battle of Averasboro, 1865
Photographic Images
Photographs from 1999-2006
Sons of D.H. Hill Flickr Page